Usage ===== Once installed, ``shaarli-client`` provides the ``shaarli`` command, which allows to interact with a Shaarli instance's REST API. Getting help ------------ The ``-h`` and ``--help`` flags allow to display help for any command or sub-command: .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli -h usage: shaarli [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-i INSTANCE] [-u URL] [-s SECRET] [-f {json,pprint,text}] [-o OUTFILE] [--insecure] {get-info,get-links,post-link,put-link,get-tags,get-tag,put-tag,delete-tag,delete-link} ... positional arguments: {get-info,get-links,post-link,put-link,get-tags,get-tag,put-tag,delete-tag,delete-link} REST API endpoint get-info Get information about this instance get-links Get a collection of links ordered by creation date post-link Create a new link or note put-link Update an existing link or note get-tags Get all tags get-tag Get a single tag put-tag Rename an existing tag delete-tag Delete a tag from every link where it is used delete-link Delete a link optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file -i INSTANCE, --instance INSTANCE Shaarli instance (configuration alias) -u URL, --url URL Shaarli instance URL -s SECRET, --secret SECRET API secret -f {json,pprint,text}, --format {json,pprint,text} Output formatting -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE File to save the program output to --insecure Bypass API SSL/TLS certificate verification .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-links -h usage: shaarli get-links [-h] [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] [--searchtags SEARCHTAGS [SEARCHTAGS ...]] [--searchterm SEARCHTERM [SEARCHTERM ...]] [--visibility {all,private,public}] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --limit LIMIT Number of links to retrieve or 'all' --offset OFFSET Offset from which to start listing links --searchtags SEARCHTAGS [SEARCHTAGS ...] List of tags --searchterm SEARCHTERM [SEARCHTERM ...] Search terms across all links fields --visibility {all,private,public} Filter links by visibility Examples -------- General syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli .. note:: The following examples assume a :doc:`configuration` file is used GET info ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-info .. code-block:: json { "global_counter": 1502, "private_counter": 5, "settings": { "default_private_links": false, "enabled_plugins": [ "markdown", "archiveorg" ], "header_link": "?", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "title": "Yay!" } } GET links ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-links --searchtags super hero .. code-block:: json [ { "created": "2015-02-22T15:14:41+00:00", "description": "", "id": 486, "private": false, "shorturl": null, "tags": [ "wtf", "kitsch", "super", "hero", "spider", "man", "parody" ], "title": "Italian Spiderman", "updated": "2017-03-10T19:53:34+01:00", "url": "" }, { "created": "2014-06-14T09:13:36+00:00", "description": "", "id": 970, "private": false, "shorturl": null, "tags": [ "super", "hero", "comics", "spider", "man", "costume", "vintage" ], "title": "Here's Every Costume Spider-Man Has Ever Worn", "updated": "2017-03-10T19:53:34+01:00", "url": "" } ] POST link ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli post-link --url .. code-block:: json { "created": "2018-06-04T20:35:12+00:00", "description": "", "id": 3252, "private": false, "shorturl": "kMkHHQ", "tags": [], "title": "", "updated": "", "url": "" } PUT link ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash shaarli put-link --private 3252 .. code-block:: json { "created": "2018-06-04T20:35:12+00:00", "description": "", "id": 3252, "private": true, "shorturl": "kMkHHQ", "tags": [], "title": "?kMkHHQ", "updated": "2018-06-04T21:57:44+00:00", "url": "http://aaron.localdomain/~virtualtam/shaarli/?kMkHHQ" } GET tags ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-tags --limit 5 .. code-block:: json [ { "name": "bananas", "occurrences": 312 }, { "name": "snakes", "occurrences": 247 }, { "name": "ladders", "occurrences": 240 }, { "name": "submarines", "occurrences": 48 }, { "name": "yellow", "occurrences": 27 } ] GET tag ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-tag bananas .. code-block:: json { "name": "bananas", "occurrences": 312 } PUT tag ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli put-tag w4c --name w3c .. code-block:: json { "name": "w3c", "occurrences": 5 } New lines/line breaks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need to include line breaks in your descriptions, use a literal newline ``\n`` and `$'...'` around the description: .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli post-link --url --description $'One\nword\nper\nline'. NOT (minus) operator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is required to pass all values to `--searchtags` as a quoted string: .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-links --searchtags "video -idontwantthistag" The value passed to --searchtags must not start with a dash, a workaround is to start the string with a space: .. code-block:: bash $ shaarli get-links --searchtags " -idontwantthistag -northisone"