Change Log ========== All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_ and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_. .. _Keep A Changelog: .. _Semantic Versioning: `v0.5.0 `_ - 2022-07-26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * Add ``delete-link`` command (delete a link by ID) **Changed:** * Update test tooling and documentation **Fixed:** * Fix ``--insecure`` option for non-GET requests **Security:** * Update `PyJWT `_ to 2.4.0 `v0.4.1 `_ - 2021-05-13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 **Changed:** * Bump project and test requirements * Update test tooling and documentation **Removed:** * Drop support for Python 3.4 and 3.5 **Security:** * Rework JWT usage without the unmaintained requests-jwt library `v0.4.0 `_ - 2020-01-09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * CLI: * Add support for ``--insecure`` option (bypass SSL certificate verification) `v0.3.0 `_ - 2019-02-23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * CLI: * Add support for endpoint resource(s) * REST API client: * ``PUT api/v1/links/`` **Fixed:** * Use requests-jwt < 0.5 * Fix `POST /link` endpoint name `v0.2.0 `_ - 2017-04-09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * Add client parameter checks and error handling * Read instance information from a configuration file * REST API client: * ``POST api/v1/links`` **Changed:** * CLI: * rename ``--output`` to ``--format`` * default to 'pprint' output format * improve endpoint-specific parser argument generation * improve exception handling and logging `v0.1.0 `_ - 2017-03-12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added:** * Python project structure * Packaging metadata * Code quality checking (lint) * Test coverage * Sphinx documentation: * user - installation, usage * developer - testing, releasing * Makefile * Tox configuration * Travis CI configuration * REST API client: * ``GET /api/v1/info`` * ``GET /api/v1/links``