
See also:

Environment and requirements

Tox is used to manage test virtualenvs, and is the only tool needed to run static analysis and unitary tests, as it will create the appropriate testing virtualenvs on-the-fly.

(shaarli) $ pip install -r requirements/ci.txt

Nevertheless, in case you want to install test, development and documentation dependencies, e.g. for editor integration or local debugging:

(shaarli) $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt


The documentation is written in reStructuredText, using the Sphinx generator.

Coding style is checked using tools provided by the Python Code Quality Authority:

Tests are run using the pytest test framework/harness, with the following plugins:

Running the tests

To renew test virtualenvs, run all tests and generate the documentation:

$ tox -r

To run specific tests without renewing the corresponding virtualenvs:

$ tox -e py34 -e py36

To run specific tests and renew the corresponding virtualenv:

$ tox -r py35